Generation 1 | |
[2] HIDDEN _____ | |
[3] HIDDEN _____ | |
Generation 2 | |
[4] Wallace Allred Anderson (1920-1994) | ID-CA-UT |
[7] HIDDEN _____ | |
Generation 3 | |
[9] Melissa Iona Allred (1893-1976) | UT-CA |
[15] Rhoda Elizabeth Topham (1907-1999) | UT |
Generation 4 | |
[18] Alma Hilford Allred (1861-1935) | UT-CA |
[31] Harriet Isabelle Reynolds (1877-1959) | UT |
Generation 5 | |
[37] Melissa Isabel Norton (1824-1892) | IN-UT |
[63] Elizabeth Ann Norton (1847-1900) | IA-UT |
Generation 6 | |
[75] Elizabeth Benifield (1801-1868) | OH-IA-UT |
[126] John Wesley Norton (1820-1901) | IN-IA-IL-IA-IL-UT |
Generation 7 | |
[253] Elizabeth Benifield (1801-1868) (same as 75) | OH-IA-UT |
Are we related? Are you a long lost cousin? Spotted an error here? This website remains a work-in-progress and I would love to hear from you. Drop me a line at minchinweb [at] gmail [dot] com.