- Original Description: Connecticut, United States
- Server Description:
- Country: United States (USA)
- State: Connecticut (CT)
- Latitude: 41.666938899999998
- Longitude: -72.666938900000005
- Benjaine B. Avery (1686-1767), Elizabeth Babcock (~1696->1714), Mindwell Bartlett (~1712->1761), Ebenezer Billings (~1686->1706), Roger Billings (~1709->1729), _____ Bradford (~1692->1739), James Brown, Jr. (~1651->1676), Elisha Chesebrough (1667->1710), Margaret Chesebrough (1676->1696), Mrs Nathaniel Chesebrough (~1670->1707), Nathaniel Chesebrough (1666-1732), Samuel Chesebrough (1660->1690), Borrodell Denison (1651-1702), Daniel Denison (1680-1747), Hope Denison (1652->1670), Lucy Denison (1708-1756), Margaret Denison (1657-1741), Phebe Denison (1690-1775), Robert Denison (1673-1737), Sarah Denison (~1685->1706), Sarah Denison (1692->1711), Thankful Denison (1747-1822), Abegail Dennison (1710-1776), Isaac French (1778->1812), Mercy French (1776-<1814), Samuel French (1780->1812), William Gaylord (~1620->1647), Mrs Mary Helme, (widow) (~1696-1740), Joshua Holmes (~1654-<1675), John Huckins (~1650->1670), Marie Ingraham (~1668->1690), Mrs Mary Leffingwell (~1627->1648), Thomas Leffingwell, (Lt.) (~1622->1648), Hannah Lord (~1650-<1688), Rebecca Mason (~1668->1710), Hannah Mead (~1649-<1677), Mary Minor (~1672-<1710), Rebecca Mumford (~1725->1743), James Noyes, Dr. (~1688->1710), Sarah Noyes (1766-1848), William Parke (~1654->1701), Hannah Plimpton (~1660-<1716), Ann Porter (~1623->1647), Miss Prentice (~1646-<1696), Mercy Raymond (~1724->1742), Anna Sanford (~1691->1710), Abigail Smith (1678->1721), Joanna Stanton (~1675->1693), Mary Stanton (~1680->1698), Samuel Stanton (~1649->1680), Alexander Stewart (~1741->1770), John Swan (~1706->1726), Oliver Thayer (1704->1762), Mister Wilcox (~1773-<1814), Benajah Williams (~1700->1722), Isaac Williams (~1687->1710), Col. John Williams (1692-1771), Robert Williams (1723-1761), Thomas Williams (1721-1781), William Worthington (~1697->1726)
- Marriageabt 1643uncertain
- Marriageaft 1707uncertain
- Marriageaft 1727uncertain
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