- Original Description: Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
- Server Description:
- Country: United States (USA)
- State: Massachusetts (MA)
- District: Essex
- District: Newbury
- Sarah Brown (1610-1691), Sarah Cogswell (~1654->1685), Elizabeth Greenleaf (~1654->1677), John Hale (1655->1684), John Knight (~1650->1671), James Noyes (1640-1719), James Noyes (1608-1656), John Noyes (1645-1678), John Noyes (1649-1678), Joseph Noyes (1637-1717), Moses Noyes (1643-1726), Rebecca Noyes (1651->1671), Sarah Noyes (1641-1653), Sarah Noyes (1656-1695), Thomas Noyes (1648-1730), William Noyes (1653-1744), Martha Pierce (~1650->1669), Mary Poor (~1646->1668)
- MarriageNov 23, 1668uncertain
- MarriageDec 28, 1669uncertain
- MarriageJan 1, 1671uncertain
- MarriageSep 24, 1677uncertain
- MarriageMar 31, 1684uncertain
- Marriage1685uncertain
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