- Original Description: Blossom Hill Cemetery, Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States
- Server Description:
- Country: United States (USA)
- State: New Hampshire (NH)
- County: Merrimack
- City: Concord
- District: Blossom Hill Cemetery
- Latitude: 43.208060000000003
- Longitude: -71.538060000000002
- Eliza Sarah Brown (1872-1960), Philip Hale Butterfield (1899-1972), Benjamin Rattenbury Jewell (1868-1909), Ernest Heber Jewell (1894-1972), George Clarence Jewell (1896-1913), Nettie Maude Jewell (1903-1991), Robert Chester Jewell (1872-1925), Margaret Eliza Spence (1879-1955)
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