- Original Description: Rhode Island, United States
- Server Description:
- Country: United States (USA)
- State: Rhode Island (RI)
- Latitude: 41.750280600000004
- Longitude: -71.500280599999996
- Esther Arnold (~1665-<1690), Arthur Aylesworth (~1656-1725), Mary Aylesworth (~1700->1739), Peter Button (~1671-), Joseph Clarke (1642-1726), Tacy Cooper (1609->1655), John Cottrell (~1645->1679), John Cottrell, Rev. (~1739->1766), Mary Cottrell (~1679->1709), Rachel Covey (~1677->1707), Bethiah Crandall (1748-1821), Eber Crandall (~1676-1727), Edith Crandall (~1740-1786), Joseph Crandall (~1707->1752), Nancy Maria Crandall (~1746->1766), William Crumb (~1737->1764), George Dennison (1745->1766), Judith Dyer (1725->1762), John Earle (~1660->1711), Benoni Gardner (1636-1731), Hannah Gaylord (1647-1678), Mister Grousley (~1671->1688), Martha Hagard (~1641-1676), Edith Hiscox (1709->1752), Samuel Hubbard (1610->1655), Jane Hulet (~1643->1688), Mary Lanphere (1671-1737), Samuel Lincoln (~1671->1698), Sarah Manchester (~1680->1698), Benjamin Mowery (~1639->1674), Sarah Odding (~1613->1638), Mary Opp (~1612->1649), Ichabod Potter (1669-1730), John Potter (~1670-), Robert Potter (~1666-1745), Sarah Potter (1673-1704), Susannah Potter (1688-1756), Susannah Potter (1671-1688), Thomas Potter (1696-1773), Experience Reade (~1674->1696), Judith Rogers (~1709->1747), Phillip Shearman (1610->1638), Mister Sherman (~1688-), Mary Tripp (1670-), Jabez Tucker (1729->1769), Mrs Jabez Tucker (~1729-<1754), Hannah Weeden (~1642->1688), James Wells (~1670->1690), Daniel Wilcox (1635-1702), Edward Wilcox (1678-1718), John Wilcox (1670-1718), Mary Wilcox (1662-1735), Mrs Daniel Wilcox (~1635->1683), Susannah Wilcox (1680->1704), Thomas Wilcox (~1672-1712), Thomas Williams (~1671->1696)
- Marriageabt 1766uncertain
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