- SpouseSea Captain John Minchin (~1809-1850)
- Birthest 1809estimated
- NameMargaret Burns O'Brienunsupported
- IDI1042
- GenderFemale
- Reference:0AF2216401EB481F935A549420640FE62256
- Margaret came to Canada in 1854 with her three children. She died . . . shortly after her arrival.
John Minchin (1841-1869)
Margaret Minchin (1844-)
William Augustus Minchin (1845-1882)
Rosetta Minchin (1846-1846)
Margaret Burns O’Brien (~1809-1854)
- Last Modified: Apr 11, 2012
Are we related? Are you a long lost cousin? Spotted an error here? This website remains a work-in-progress and I would love to hear from you. Drop me a line at minchinweb [at] gmail [dot] com.