Robert Lees

  • Name
    Robert Lees
  • ID
  • Gender
  • Reference:
  • Reference:
  • Undertaker was Harold Edwards Ltd, of 705 West Broadway, Vancouver BC (as per death certificate).
  • Eldest of 7 (he had two brothers and five sisters), his early years were in the Trout Mills, Ontario area. Trout Mills is just outside North Bay, Ontario.

    He may have passed away in 1962
  • May of been married in 1912 (same date)
    14 Total Ancestors
Generation 1
[1]   Robert Lees (1873-1954) ON-BC
Generation 2
[2]   John Howard Lees (1856-) ON
[3]   Agnes Murdock (1860-) ON
Generation 3
[6]   Robert Murdock (~1826-) ANT-QC
[7]   Agnes Black (1834-) LKS-QC
Generation 4
[14]   James Black (~1802-1885) DNB-ON
[15]   Agnes Bryson (~1806-1902) DNB-ON
Generation 5
[28]   Henery Black (~1778-) DNB
[29]   Mary McQueen (~1782-) DNB
[30]   James Bryson (1779-) DNB
[31]   Mary Gilfillan (~1783-1850) DNB
Generation 6
[60]   John Bryson (~1737-) SCT-DNB-SCT-DNB
[61]   Janet (~1737-) DNB-SCT-DNB-SCT-DNB
[62]   William Gilfillan (1753-1807) DNB
[63]   Katharine Smith (~1753-) DNB
  • Last Modified: Oct 7, 2015

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