- took ill at Kilkenny SchoolNB: In England and Wales, Ireland and the British colonies, the change of the start of the year and the change over from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian occurred in 1752 with the passage of the Calendar (New Style) Act 1750. The legal start of the year now became 1 January rather than 25 March. That can throw a lot of people when trying to make sense of dates and years prior to 1752 because, eg, March 1722 is actually 10 months after May 1722.
- NameJosiah Bunburyunsupported
- IDI2165
- GenderMale
- Reference:8D02B4D779EB4F60BA7DA68267D35FE50A4D
- Reference:LHDL-1W9
139 Total Ancestors
Generation 1 | |
[1] Josiah Bunbury (1738-1748) | |
Generation 2 | |
[2] Thomas Bunbury, of Kill (1705-1774) | CW-D-CW |
[3] Catherine Campbell (~1710-1754) | LM-D |
Generation 3 | |
[4] William Bunbury, I of Lisnavagh (1674-1710) | CW-D-CW |
[5] Elizabeth Mary Pendred, of Sywell (~1674-1710) | D |
[6] Josiah Campbell (~1670-) | LM |
[7] Lettice Martin (1682-1757) | |
Generation 4 | |
[8] Benjamin Bunbury, of Killerig (1642-1707) | CW-CHS-IRL |
[9] Mary Shepperd (~1642-) | |
[10] Isaac Pendred (1630-1682) | NTH |
[11] Sarah Beech (~1630-~1689) | NTH |
[14] Samuel Martin (~1648-) | |
Generation 5 | |
[16] Thomas Bunbury (1606-1668) | CHS |
[17] Elianor Birkenhead (1605-1675) | CHS |
[18] Matthew Shepperd, of Owles (~1608-) | |
[20] _____ Pendred (~1596-) | |
[21] Elizabeth (~1591-~1630) | NTH |
Generation 6 | |
[32] Sir Henry Bunbury (1566-1634) | CHS-LAN-CHS |
[33] Martha Norris (~1566-) | LAN |
[34] Henry Birkenhead, esq. of Backford (~1570-1646) | |
[35] Alice Singleton (~1582-1632) | CHS |
[40] Francis Pendred, of Overstone (1550-1616) | NTH |
Generation 7 | |
[64] Thomas Bunbury, Esq. (~1532-1601) | CHS |
[65] Bridget Aston (~1544->1602) | CHS-LAN-CHS |
[66] Sir William Norris, Knt (~1532-) | |
[68] Henry Birkenhead, esq. of Huxley (~1558-~1612) | CHS |
[69] Elizabeth Bunbury (-1629) | CHS |
[70] John Singleton, esq., of Staining (1550-1589) | LAN |
[71] Thomasine Anderton (1567-) | LAN |
Generation 8 | |
[128] Henry Bunbury, Esq. of Stanny (~1516-~1547) | CHS |
[129] Margaret Aldersey (~1516-) | CHS |
[130] John Aston (1513-1573) | CHS-LAN-CHS |
[131] Margaret Ireland (1528-1594) | LAN-CHS |
[136] Henry Birkenhead, esq. (~1531-1558) | CHS |
[137] Alice Horncliffe (~1531-) | ESS |
[138] Henry Bunbury, Esq. of Stanny (~1516-~1547) (same as 128) | CHS |
[139] Margaret Aldersey (~1516-) (same as 129) | CHS |
Generation 9 | |
[256] Richard Bunbury, Esq. (~1483-~1541) | CHS |
[257] Blanch Poole (1484-) | CHS |
[258] Hugh Aldersey (~1482-1547) | CHS |
[259] Margaret Or Elizabeth Bamville (~1482-) | CHS |
[260] Thomas Aston (~1480-) | STS-WAR |
[261] Bridgett Harewell (1495-1540) | WAR-CUL |
[262] Thomas Ireland (1503-1545) | LAN-ENG-LAN |
[263] Margaret Bold (~1508-1545) | LAN-ENG-LAN |
[272] Adam Birkenhead, of Huxley (~1452-) | CHS |
[273] Alice Huxley (-) | CHS |
[274] John Horncliffe, esq. of Hallowbury (~1497-) | |
Generation 10 | |
[512] John Bunbury, Esq. (1444-1507) | CHS |
[513] Agnes Norris (~1448-) | LAN |
[514] Thomas Poole (~1446-) | CHS |
[515] Maud (Grace) Fitton (~1438-1501) | CHS |
[516] Henry Aldersey (-1506) | CHS |
[517] Jane Hockenhull (~1452-) | CHS |
[518] Randle Bamville (~1430-) | CHS |
[519] Maud Fitton (1473-) | CHS |
[520] John Aston (1441-1484) | SRY-CHS |
[521] Elizabeth Delves (~1448-1490) | CHS-SRY-ENG |
[522] John V Harewell (1458-1505) | WAR |
[523] Ann Middleton (~1485-) | ENG-WAR |
[524] John Ireland (~1475-1525) | |
[525] Margaret Stanley (1465-) | LAN |
[526] Richard Bould (1462-1532) | BKM |
[527] Margaret Boteler (~1469-1537) | BKM-KEN |
[544] Henry Birkenhead (~1435-) | ENG |
[546] John Huxley, of Huxley (~1418-) | |
Generation 11 | |
[1024] John Bunbury (1418-1470) | CHS |
[1025] Catharine Hooks (~1422-) | WLS |
[1026] William Norris, Esq. (1370-) | ENG |
[1032] William Aldersey (~1397-~1427) | CHS |
[1033] Margaret Stalker (~1420-) | CHS |
[1034] John Hokenhull Jr. (~1425-) | ENG |
[1035] Jonet Done (~1424-) | CHS |
[1038] Edward Fitton (1432-1510) | CHS |
[1039] Emma Siddington (1438-1500) | CHS |
[1040] Robert Ashton (1415-1461) | SRY |
[1041] Isabella Brereton (~1418-~1436) | CHS-STS |
[1042] John Delves (~1420-1471) | CHS-GLS |
[1043] Elen DeEgerton (1417-1504) | CHS-ENG |
[1044] William Harewell (1435-1500) | WAR |
[1045] Agnes Wogan (~1433-) | PEM |
[1046] Lord Eggebaston Richard Middlemore (~1440-1502) | WAR-WOR |
[1088] Henry de Birkenhead (~1402-) | ENG |
Generation 12 | |
[2048] Richard de Bunbury (~1403-~1459) | |
[2049] Alice Dutton (~1403-) | |
[2050] John Hooks (~1388-) | |
[2052] Henry Norreys, Sir (~1351->1429) | ENG |
[2053] Alice de Erneys (~1353-1418) | CHS-LAN |
[2066] John Stalker (~1394-) | CHS |
[2067] Margaret Brayne (~1380-) | CHS |
[2068] John de Hokenhull (1354-~1453) | CHS |
[2070] (Sir) John Done (~1362-) | |
[2071] Elizabeth de Dutton (~1362-~1435) | |
[2078] Robert Siddington (1412-1474) | CHS |
[2176] Adam De Birkenhead (~1380-) | ENG |
Generation 13 | |
[4096] Henry de Bunbury (~1379-) | |
[4098] Edward Dutton (~1369-) | |
[4106] Robert Or Roger De Erneys (~1285-) | LAN |
[4136] Thomas de Hokenhull (~1326-) | CHS |
[4352] Roger de Birkenhead (~1355-) | CHS |
Generation 14 | |
[8192] William de Bunbury (~1345-) | |
[8272] Richard de Hokenhull (~1300-) | CHS |
[8273] Margery Huxlegh (~1302-) | CHS |
[8704] Richard de Birkenhead (~1330-) | ENG |
Generation 15 | |
[16384] David de Bunbury (~1277-) | |
[16385] _____ de Stanny (~1295-) | |
[16544] Thomas de Hokenhull (~1251-<1317) | |
[16545] Felicia (~1269->1317) | CHS |
[16546] Robert de Huxley (~1277-) | CHS |
[16547] Isabel (~1277-) | |
[17408] John de Birchened (~1306-) | CHS |
Generation 16 | |
[32768] Richard de Bunbury (~1216-) | |
[32770] David de Stannich (~1261-) | |
[33088] Robert de Hokenhull (~1223-1302) | CHS |
[33089] Alice Shotwick (~1235-) | CHS |
[33092] William de Huxlegh (~1252-) | CHS |
Generation 17 | |
[65536] Hugh de Bunbury (-) | |
[65537] Dame Christiana Malpas (~1166-) | CHS |
[66176] William De Hokenhull (~1198->1232) | CHS |
[66177] Lenke (~1200-) | CHS |
[66178] de Shotwick (~1210-) | CHS |
[66184] Hugh de Huxlegh (~1227-) | CHS |
Generation 18 | |
[131072] William de Bunbury (1225-~1288) | CHS |
[131073] Maud (~1225-) | |
[131074] David de Malpas (~1151-) | |
[131075] Margaret (1159-) | CHS |
[132352] Dunniger de Hokenhull (~1173-) | CHS |
[132368] William De Hokenhull (~1198->1232) (same as 66176) | CHS |
[132369] Lenke (~1200-) (same as 66177) | CHS |
Generation 19 | |
[262144] Alexander de Bunbury (~1191-) | |
[262148] Griffith de Malpas (~1117-) | |
[262149] Beatrix (~1117-) | |
[262150] Ralph ap Eymon (~1110-) | CHS |
[264704] Swane de Hokenhull (~1148-) | CHS |
Generation 20 | |
[524288] Patrick de Bonebury (1175-1220) | CHS |
[524289] Letitia Fitz-Hugh (~1175-) | |
[524298] Randle (~1083-) | |
[524300] Eynion ap David (~1075-) | ENG |
Generation 21 | |
[1048576] _____ de Bonebury (~1141-) | |
[1048578] Robert FitzHugh (~1141-) | |
[1048600] David ap Miles (~1040-) | ENG |
Generation 22 | |
[2097152] David de Bonebury (~1107-) | |
[2097200] Miles ap Gruffith (~1012-) | ENG |
Generation 23 | |
[4194304] _____ Bonebury (~1073-) |
Josiah Bunbury (1738-1748)
Thomas Bunbury, of Kill (1705-1774)
Catherine Campbell (~1710-1754)
William Bunbury, I of Lisnavagh (1674-1710)
Elizabeth Mary Pendred, of Sywell (~1674-1710)
Josiah Campbell (~1670-)
Lettice Martin (1682-1757)
Benjamin Bunbury, of Killerig (1642-1707)
Mary Shepperd (~1642-)
Isaac Pendred (1630-1682)
Sarah Beech (~1630-~1689)
Samuel Martin (~1648-)
Thomas Bunbury (1606-1668)
Elianor Birkenhead (1605-1675)
Matthew Shepperd, of Owles (~1608-)
_____ Pendred (~1596-)
Elizabeth (~1591-~1630)
- Last Modified: Dec 20, 2013
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