John Isaac

  • Birth
    est 1693
  • "John Isaac [was] an officer serving with the Royal Welsh Fusiliers in Europe during the War of the Austrian Succession. The regiment was all but wiped out on 11th May 1745 during the catastrophic battle of Fontenoy. Lieutenant John Isaac was among over 1200 British killed by the French that day. With his death, the male line of Isaac ran dry."
  • Name
    John Isaac
  • ID
  • Gender
  • Reference:
  • Reference:
  • Was an officer serving with the Royal Welsh Fusiliers in Europe during the War of the Austrian Succession. The regiment was all but wiped out on 11th May 1745 during the catastrophic battle of Fontenoy. Lieutenant John Isaac was among over 1200 British killed by the French that day. With his death, the male line of Isaac ran dry.
  • Last Modified: Dec 21, 2013

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