- SpouseThomas Foster (1600-1682)
- The details of this birth combination (birthdate plus place) seem suspect. The Plymouth colony wasn't founded until 2 years later in 1620...
- IDI7423
- GenderFemale
- Reference:5A8460A07B2A455B9BDDAE192E676BF85A62
- Reference:MRLR-874
- Reference:1763
Thomas Foster (1640-1679)
John Foster (1642-1732)
Experience Foster (1643->1720)
Increase Foster (1644-)
Elizabeth Foster (1646-1726)
Hopestill Foster (1648-1679)
Joseph Foster (1650-1721)
Sarah Foster (1652-)
Jonathan Foster (~1654->1677)
Elizabeth Whitmore (1618-1695)
- Last Modified: Apr 11, 2014
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