- ID: S281
- Full Title: Shane Symes, Find a Grave.com, Fielding Martin (http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=15678075 : accessed ), .
- Short Title: Symes, Fielding Martin, .
- Author: Shane Symes
- CreatorOwner: Find a Grave.com
- WebsiteTitle: Fielding Martin
- URL: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-...=gr&GRid=15678075
- Bibliography: Symes, Shane. Find a Grave.com. Fielding Martin. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-...=gr&GRid=15678075 : .
- Reference: 8 June 2015
- 8 June 2015
- Birth: Feb. 28, 1777
Death: Jan. 7, 1847
Fountain County
Indiana, USA
Family links:
Anna Hall Martin (____ - 1857)
Jacob Martin (____ - 1864)*
Phoebe Martin Curtis (1806 - 1905)*
*Calculated relationship
Salem Cemetery
Fountain County
Indiana, USA
Created by: Shane Symes
Record added: Sep 09, 2006
Find A Grave Memorial# 15678075
- Fielding Martin (1777-1847)
- Burialuncertain
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