- Original Description: Suffolk Road, Queens, Prince Edward Island, Canada
- Server Description: Queens, Prince Edward Island, Canada
- Country: Canada (CAN)
- State: Prince Edward Island (PEI)
- County: Queens
- District: Suffolk Road
- Latitude: 46.364993800000001
- Longitude: -63.165634099999998
- Eleanor Hamilton (1823-1891), Charles `Wesley` Seaman (1863-), George Culman Seaman (1828-1888), John Downing Seaman (1851-1924), Noah Hubert Seaman (1866-), Rebecca Selenia Seaman (1861-1873), Thomas `Frederick` Seaman (1859-1933)
- BirthDec 29, 1851uncertain
- BirthMar of 1859uncertain
- BirthMay 14, 1861uncertain
- BirthNov 20, 1863uncertain
- BirthMay 30, 1866uncertain
- DeathMay 27, 1888uncertain
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