- SpouseGeorge Culman Seaman (1828-1888)
- NameEleanor Hamiltonunsupported
- IDI4164
- GenderFemale
- Reference:A62B09A54894432CA2359A65BA70516C8708
- Reference:LZ6P-N1K
- Was also known as Ellen. She came to Canada in 1840 (some say from England but it was Ireland)
William Hamilton Seaman (1850-1850)
John Downing Seaman (1851-1924)
Eva Lavinia Seaman (1854-)
Susan Adelia Seaman (1856-1859)
Thomas `Frederick` Seaman (1859-1933)
Rebecca Selenia Seaman (1861-1873)
Charles `Wesley` Seaman (1863-)
Noah Hubert Seaman (1866-)
Eleanor Hamilton (1823-1891)
- Last Modified: Apr 11, 2012
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