Silvia (?) Seaman

  • Name
    Silvia (?) Seaman
  • ID
  • Gender
  • Reference:
  • Reference:
  • Death
  • BIRTH: On 1881 PEI census, age shown as 15. Probably has left home
    before 1891 census was taken.

    MISC: Name is hard to decipher on 1881 PEI census.
    42 Total Ancestors
Generation 1
[1]   Silvia (?) Seaman (~1866-) PEI
Generation 2
[2]   Thomas James Wells Seaman (1837-1923) PEI
[3]   Sophiah Andrews (1840-1914) PEI
Generation 3
[4]   William Seaman (1792-1864) SFK-PEI
[5]   Hephzebah Chaman Wells (1798-1865) SFK-PEI
[6]   John Andrews (1799-1881) SFK-PEI
[7]   Mary Ann Catchpole (~1803-1881) ENG-SFK-PEI
Generation 4
[8]   William Seaman (1759-1831) SFK-ENG-SFK-ENG
[9]   Mary Culham (1757-1795) SFK
[10]   James Wells (1761-1844) SFK
[11]   Hepzibah Green (~1771-1852) SFK
[14]   James Catchpole (1778-)
[15]   Maryann MacDonald (1782-1889) INV-PEI
Generation 5
[16]   William Seaman (1730-1793) SFK
[17]   Frances Kerr (1734-1779) SFK
[18]   George Culham (<1732-) ENG-SFK
[19]   Honour (~1732-) SFK
[20]   James Wells (1734-1796) SFK
[21]   Ann Masterson (1734-1799) SFK
[22]   Samuel Green (~1736-1816) WAR-SFK
[23]   Sarah (1739-1804) SFK
Generation 6
[32]   John Seaman (1692-1759) SFK
[33]   Ann (1700-1748) ENG-SFK
[34]   Samuel Kerr (1709-) ENG-SFK
[35]   Elizabeth (1714-) SFK
[40]   John Wells (1707-~1770) SFK
[41]   Elizabeth (1711-) SFK
[42]   James Masterson (~1707-) SFK
[43]   Ann Kemp (1709-) SFK
Generation 7
[64]   John Seaman (~1667-1728) SFK
[65]   Mary Bilham (~1668-) ENG-SFK
[80]   Thomas Wells (1676-) SFK
[81]   Elizabeth (~1680-) WAR
[84]   Johannes Masterson (1681-) SFK
[85]   Mary Watlin Of Cratfield (~1679-) ENG-SFK
Generation 8
[128]   Robert Seaman (1641-1693) SFK
[129]   Alice Shuckforth (1630-1709) SFK
[160]   Henry Wells (~1644-~1722) HAM-ENG-HAM
[161]   Eleanor (1644-~1724) ENG-HAM
[170]   William Watling (~1644-) SFK
[171]   Frances Mashland (~1644-~1714) SFK
Generation 9
[320]   Peter Wells (~1620-~1693) ENG-HAM
[321]   Jane (~1620-~1667) ENG-HAM
Sophiah Andrews (1840-1914)
William Seaman (1792-1864)
John Andrews (1799-1881)
Mary Ann Catchpole (~1803-1881)
William Seaman (1759-1831)
Mary Culham (1757-1795)
James Wells (1761-1844)
Hepzibah Green (~1771-1852)
Maryann MacDonald (1782-1889)
William Seaman (1730-1793)
Frances Kerr (1734-1779)
George Culham (<1732-)
Honour (~1732-)
James Wells (1734-1796)
Ann Masterson (1734-1799)
Samuel Green (~1736-1816)
Sarah (1739-1804)
  • Last Modified: Apr 11, 2012

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