- Original Description: Prince Edward Island, Canada
- Server Description:
- Country: Canada (CAN)
- State: Prince Edward Island (PEI)
- Latitude: 46.329999999999998
- Longitude: -63.299999999999997
- John Andrews (1799-1881), Sophiah Andrews (1840-1914), Sophia Elizabeth Brown (1872-1951), William Bull (1803-1884), Mary Ann Catchpole (~1803-1881), Margaret (Margret) Crawford (~1771-1849), Mary Ann Ferguson (1809-1903), Elizabeth Jane Houston (~1806-1837), Grace or Grizell Houston (~1811-1848), James Houston (1804-1866), Margaret Houston (~1810-1846), Caroline Jannet Jewell (1874-1913), Edison Churchill Jewell (1875-1956), Elizabeth Hanna Jewell (1862-1934), Elizabeth Jewell (~1859-1944), Emanuel Jewell (~1792-~1878), Hammond Nelson Jewell (1860-1927), Janie Robertson Jewell (1876-1897), Richard Jewell (1839-1901), Elizabeth Knight (1793-1870), Mary MacLennan (1863-1947), Annie Margaret MacLeod (1906-1962), Daniel Minchin (~1803-1892), Margaret Martha Minchin (1836-1916), William Augustus Minchin (1796-1867), Margaret Nisbit (1780-1852), William Cornelius Orr (1855-1921), Martha Isabel Richards (1853-1881), Aida Seaman (~1878-), Chesley Emanuel Seaman (1902-1902), Eldon John Seaman (~1880-), Emma Seaman (~1868-), Ernest Joseph Seaman (1872-1956), Hannah Seaman (1870-1955), Harriet Seaman (~1876-), Hephezibah Seaman (~1864-), Lilla Seaman (~1882-), Silvia (?) Seaman (~1866-), Susan Aldred Seaman (1833-), William James Seaman (1874-1960), Allan Shaw (1803-), Mary Shaw (1835-1924), Margaret Eliza Spence (1879-1955), John Stevenson (1778-1862), John Stevenson (~1805-1891), Margaret Stevenson (~1812-1890), James Hunt van Iderstine (1863-1921)
- BirthAug 18, 1874uncertain
- MarriageDec 11, 1891unsupported
- MarriageFeb 6, 1901unsupported
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According to the baptism records of his children he stopped in Charlottetown and then went to Cape Breton. He may have had brothers Archibald and Daniel and a sister Doretta who married a Collins. He had seven boys before 1847.
According to his son's records in Mass, USA his name may have been Augustus William.