- Original Description: Pomeroy, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, Gortnagarn
- Server Description:
- Country: Northern Ireland (NIR)
- State: Tyrone (TYR)
- City: Pomeroy
- District: Gortnagarn
- Latitude: 54.591332100000002
- Longitude: -6.9170007
- Margaret Dale (1851-1934), Henry Thomas Sinnamon (1883-1972), James Sinnamon (1853-1935), Mary Jane Sinnamon (1887-1935)
- Living there: Henry Thomas SinnamonLiving there: William James SinnamonLiving there: Mary Jane SinnamonLiving there: Frederick Joseph SinnamonLiving there: Isaac SinnamonLiving there: Robert George SinnamonLiving there: Violet May SinnamonJames (the father) is not listed.
- DeathApr 15, 1935uncertainCardiac diseasePrimary Role: James SinnamonWitness: Mary Jane Sinnamon
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