Irish 1901 Census

  • ID: S91
  • Full Title: The National Archives of Ireland, "1901 Census," database, Census of Ireland ( accessed ), .
  • Short Title: Ireland, Census of Ireland, .
  • Author: The National Archives of Ireland
  • DatabaseTitle: 1901 Census
  • WebsiteTitle: Census of Ireland
  • URL:
  • Bibliography: Ireland, The National Archives of. "1901 Census." Database. Census of Ireland. .
  • Reference: 13 July 2014; Residents of a house 26 in Gorrnagarn (Pomeroy, Tyrone)
  • 13 July 2014
  • Residents of a house 26 in Gorrnagarn (Pomeroy, Tyrone)
  • http://www.census.nationalarch...rrnagarn/1731173/

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